The ESCC Hub has built on the rich legacy of the Australian Climate Change Science Program (ACCSP), the Australian Government’s largest and longest-running climate science research program.
From 1989 until 2016, the ACCSP made an enormous contribution to our understanding of climate change.
Key achievements include:
- Significant advances in land and water predicting and forecasting
- Improved understanding of climate and extreme weather
- Improved tracking of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and aerosols
- More accurate projections of climate change for Australia
- Improved observations, data management and modelling
- Improved understanding of the processes controlling climate and climate change
- Information on ocean change including temperature, salinity, acidification and sea levels
- Development and testing of the Australian Community Climate Change and Earth System Simulator (ACCESS), for the Australian and international science community
- Raising understanding of climate and weather systems through the GREENHOUSE conference series.
For more information, visit the ACCSP legacy website.