The Hub engaged in a mutually beneficial two-way dialogue with Indigenous stakeholders to explore ways traditional knowledge can inform Hub research and determine what climate change information Indigenous communities need.
Our research and engagement activities aimed to ensure that as a result of our work:
- ongoing relationships between the Indigenous communities and the Australian climate change science community (and NESP) are established.
- western and Indigenous science knowledge is combined to understand the climate risks relevant to Indigenous communities.
- Indigenous researchers and stakeholders are empowered to lead research and knowledge exchange activities and case studies relevant to their communities.
- Indigenous communities use tailored climate change information to train and inform their own communities about the changing climate and the potential impacts to their country and people.
- the Australian climate change science community values and incorporates traditional knowledge in climate change information and research.
The Hub supported two national gatherings on climate change with traditional owners from across the country in 2018 and 2021.