CASE STUDY 5.4: Climate Change 101 toolkit: an introduction to climate change and understanding climate change information
Feedback from our stakeholders indicates that there is still a lot of stakeholder uncertainty about how the climate system works, how the climate is changing and what climate change projections actually tell us. This means that existing climate change information, such as that provided at Climate Change in Australia, is not being readily accessed, understood and applied to inform decision and policy making.
We developed a climate change information toolkit to build both understanding of climate change and capability for using climate change information for decision making. The package aims to provide stakeholders with a better understanding of the climate system, an appreciation of climate change science, and the confidence to find and use climate change information to inform decisions.
The toolkit consists of a modular workshop that can be offered in a half or full day, and guidelines for a rapid climate change impact assessment methodology that can be applied across all sectors to co-produce climate change information and facilitate its use in decision making. The development of the toolkit was informed by participant feedback from pilot workshops around the country.
By improving stakeholder climate change literacy and providing a practical process for applying climate change information, this toolkit will promote and facilitate the use of climate change information in impact assessments to inform policy, planning, adaptation responses and other decision making.
Concluded: September 2020
More information: Mandy Hopkins, ESCC Hub Knowledge Broker