CASE STUDY 3.4: Coastal climate adaptation planning with City of Greater Geelong
In 2016, the City of Greater Geelong worked with CSIRO’s Data61 to investigate future flooding due to storm surge and sea-level rise. This project, which used the CSIRO Data61 City-based Flood Adaptation Solutions Tool (C-FAST), also looked at the effectiveness of a range of adaptation measures to mitigate the impact of coastal inundation events.
We worked with Data61 and the City of Greater Geelong to determine how the Hub’s work on coastal extremes could feed into C-FAST, to develop a tool that could be used by coastal planners, developers and decision makers to plan for the impacts of climate change on Geelong.
We brought together data specialists, coastal extremes researchers and coastal management practitioners in a series of workshops to determine how best to achieve this. The new CANUTE-3 tool, currently in development by Hub researchers, was identified as the best way to link the latest research to coastal planning and management practice.
This case study provided valuable scoping that will form the basis for an extension of this work in a new case study in 2019.
Completed: November 2018
More information: Mandy Hopkins, ESCC Hub Knowledge Broker
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