CASE STUDY 3.3: Climate change impacts on inshore aquatic ecosystems and coastal communities in the Torres Strait
Fisheries and marine ecosystems in the Torres Strait are economically and culturally important but are vulnerable to the changing climate. Understanding the impacts of climate change is critical to the ongoing sustainability of the fisheries and ecosystems, and the communities that rely on them.
We partnered with the Torres Strait Regional Authority to gather together climate change, marine and fisheries scientists, fisheries managers and traditional owners to discuss the implications of climate change on fisheries and marine ecosystems in the region. At the technical workshop, held in Cairns in December 2017, representatives from the Hub, TSRA, CSIRO, the NESP Tropical Water Quality Hub, Australian Fisheries Management Authority, Australian Institute of Marine Science and Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority heard that research and on-country observations show that climate change impacts are already occurring and discussed information needs and research priorities.
The workshop report will serve as a key reference for ongoing work to ensure that traditional owners in the Torres Strait have the best available information and tools to help manage climate change impacts on their businesses, communities and country.
Completed: December 2017
More information: Mandy Hopkins, ESCC Hub Knowledge Broker