The Hub delivered information and training to federal government stakeholders to assist with the effective incorporation of climate change science and information into government policies and activities, including climate risk assessments.
Our research and engagement activities aimed to ensure that as a result of our science:
- the Federal Government uses and incorporates relevant and credible climate change science and information in relevant policies, briefings and activities.
- stakeholders are trained in the use of climate change tools and scenarios and are therefore able to provide advice across the Commonwealth on understanding, assessing and acting on climate risks.
- the Federal Government routinely factors climate change projections and associated scenarios into long-term strategic business planning in a manner consistent with the global emission targets of the Paris Agreement.
- climate change risks and impacts are considered in the management of Australia’s natural and world heritage sites.
- the Department of the Environment and Energy uses the ESCC Hub as the first point of call for the provision of climate change science information and advice to ensure their activities are based on credible and accurate evidence.
- climate change is considered as a cross-cutting issue across the National Environmental Science Program, and the ESCC Hub’s climate science information and data are used by all Hubs.